In honor of our favorite conferences—the NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Annual Convention followed by the ALAN (Assembly on Literature of Adolescents of NCTE) Workshop, we are doing a countdown over the next two weeks. Each day, we will feature a list that reflects the number of days left until the conference! We can’t wait to see many of you there! If you can’t be there, make sure to follow #ncte18 and #alan18 on Twitter and other social media to participate in this amazing PD from your home.
C.34 Honoring Student Passions: Using Genius Hour to (Re)Find Voice and Address Equity
Raising student voices requires time, space, and place for individualized, passion-based learning. Through interactive learning activities participants can use in their own classrooms, presenters will define Genius Hour and show how it can be implemented to facilitate equitable learning environments. They will share authentic student work from conception to completion.
Ricki is Presenting with Dr. Pamela Coke

E.18 Using Diverse Literature to Build Awareness and Empathy in Middle Schoolers
To help build awareness and empathy in middle schoolers, we must expose our readers to a wide range of diverse literature. Two middle school educators and six authors will discuss how diverse literature can help build empathy, tolerance, awareness, and an understanding of social justice.
Chair: Kellee Moye
Authors: Angela Dominguez, K.A. Holt, Jennifer Richard Jacobson, Jewell Parker Rhodes, N.H. Senzai, & Lindsey Stoddard
Respondent: Jennie Smith

F.07 Raising Student Voices by Using YA Literature to Encourage Acting Up and Speaking Out
Young adult literature changes us; it touches us and heals us. This Assembly on Literature for Adolescents of NCTE (ALAN)-sponsored session will offer roundtables, led by leaders of ALAN and YAL authors, that focus on the merits of YAL, YAL as mirrors and windows, and YAL’s call to action.
Kellee’s Roundtable: YAL and the Canon, will look at using young adult literature in place of or in addition to the canon, and will include an exploration of the idea of text sets, companion texts, or replacement texts.
Ricki’s Roundtable: YAL as Mirrors, will focus on diversity in young adult literature and the need for students to see themselves in the books in their schools and libraries and shows all students that they have a voice.
Other roundtable leaders: Beth Scanlon, Lisa Schreff, Lois Stover, Mark Letcher, Daria Plumb, Wendy Glenn

G.04 Teaching for Equity and Justice with Young Adult Literature
In this conversation session, award-winning author Laurie Halse Anderson discusses the ability of young adult literature to address social justice and equity with adolescents. Afterward, attendees rotate through three 15-min. roundtables of their choice to discuss a rich diversity of texts, issues of social justice, and teaching methods.
Ricki’s Roundtable with Wendy J. Glenn as respondent, Piecing Me Together: Race, Class, Power, and Privilege
Chair: Victor Malo-Juvera
Other Roundtable Leaders: Many teacher educators from ELATE

H.02 Meet the NCTE Editors
Participants will have the opportunity to meet journal editors, explore the publishing possibilities available with the NCTE journals program and with assembly journals, and discuss specific article prospects with the editors. Submission guidelines will be available for all NCTE journals.
Chair: Kurt Austin
This year, this session conflicts with the ALAN Breakfast, which Ricki is helping with. Because this is her last term as an editor for The ALAN Review, it doesn’t make sense for her to attend. That said, attend this session and look to get your ideas published! All of the NCTE journals will be there!

During H.02: ALAN Breakfast
ALAN Breakfast with A.S. King! We are so looking forward to this event! We include it on this list because we will be helping to set it up. It begins at 7am, and we look forward to seeing you there!

I.36 YA Lit IS Complex! Authors and Teachers Explore the Complexity of Writing Young Adult Literature
This session brings together YA authors and classroom teachers to explore text complexity through the lens of writing craft. Keynote speeches and roundtable discussions will explore how complexity can be found and made in YA lit when we weave authors’ accounts of writing process with close analysis of texts themselves.
Kellee’s Roundtable with David Levithan, focusing on his Every Day series
Ricki’s Roundtable with Ibi Zoboi, focusing on Pride
Chairs: Jennifer Buehler, Cathy Fleischer
Other roundtable leaders: Sarah Andrew-Vaughan, Wendy Glenn, Meredith Novak, Daria Plumb, Beth Scanlon, Beth Shaum
Other authors: Elizabeth Acevedo, David Arnold, Sharon Draper, Emily X.R. Pan, Randy Ribay, Andrew Smith

J. 13 In-Class Book Clubs: Fostering Collaboration, Critical Thinking, and Choice
Student-centered book clubs allow students the freedom to discuss titles they choose, thus creating positive reading experiences while utilizing two best practices: student collaboration and independent reading. Attendees will circulate through roundtables led by educators who have implemented in-class book clubs and will share book ideas, strategies, and student responses.
Kellee’s Roundtable: “Metacognition in Middle Schoolers”
Other roundtable leaders: Leigh Anne Eck, Sarah Krajewski, Amber Kuehler, Jennie Smith, Kelly Vorhis, Melinda Wallace, Sherry Williford

M.02 The Future is Now: Exploring 21st Century Teaching Ideas with the Next Generation of English Teachers
In this wide-ranging session sponsored by the ELATE Graduate Strand (ELATE-GS), undergraduate and master’s level pre-service and novice English teachers from across the nation will lead roundtables exploring 21st-century teaching ideas and research-driven pedagogical practices. Please join us to support this next generation of English teachers and NCTE members. *Student presenters are determined after the program deadline. Attendees will receive a separate program with the names of roundtable leaders and their presentation titles upon entering the session.
Ricki is Sponsoring three Master’s students to present at this session
Chair: Alan Brown
Other Roundtable Leaders: Many graduate students and teacher educators from ELATE

NCTE here we come! Hope if you are there that you will stop by!