Author Guest Post: “Little Readers Produce Big Readers” by Jamie McHone, Author of Everything is Always Gonna Be Alright, Durban Frankenshooze


“Little Readers Produce Big Readers”

Little readers produce big readers. We need both. My favorite thing to do as a child was to curl up with a good book. I still recall my favorites. I still remember the characters I loved. I am an avid reader today, and I believe it is because I had the opportunity and the freedom to immerse my imagination into the world of words. Little thinkers produce big thinkers. We need both. I believe what the little mind absorbs sets them up for what the big mind can absorb and that they are capable of absorbing much. I believe curiosity is the key to critical thinking, which is why I tried to leave plenty of room for inquisitions in the book. Little critical thinkers produce big critical thinkers. We need both. My intent in throwing a big word at a little reader was to make them stop and question what it means, thereby building a larger vocabulary and a desire to build upon it. And let us just face it, in today’s atmosphere, there are many pertinent issues to be faced head-on and discussed among parents and children. Some issues in the book are a bit ‘in your face,’ and others are more subdued. Again, hopefully, to persuade conversations to generate and build on. It has been my experience that children have a tremendous sense of humor and can appreciate the sometimes randomness of the book. That was my intent, anyway. Hope you enjoy!   — Jamie

About the Book: Durban is a Durban bird with giant sneakers and wings so small he can’t fly. He’s tired of being made fun of by all the other flying birds, so he sets off on a journey to find out who he really is. Along the way, he meets Maudry, a smart and sassy female bird, and Wainwright, a grumpy worm with a short temper. Together, the unusual trio goes through thick and thin to discover what it really means to be yourself.

About the Author: Jamie McHone is from southwest Virginia and currently resides in Blacksburg, Virginia with her husband and Rottweilers. This is her first children’s book.

Thank you so much for this guest post–we agree! Early childhood literacy is such a key to lifelong success!

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