Ten Characters I Would Love to Meet by Brooke A., 7th grade

10) Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series: I would love to meet her because she is so smart and seems to be always ready for adventure.
9) Percy Jackson from the Percy Jackson series: Percy has dyslexia and I think it is cool how he shows that you can still have struggles and still be a hero!
8) Katiniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games series: I would love to meet her because she risks her life for her sister. I think she is super brave!
7) Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series: I think it would be cool to have him teach me some magic and how to play quidditch.
6) Hermione Granger is from the Harry Potter series: I would love to meet her because she is super smart and knows magic really well.
5) Goldilocks from the Land of Stories series: She is super adventurous and helps her friends defeat evil every time! She cares so much about her family and will do anything to protect them.
4) Seth Sorenson is from the Fablehaven series: He is a little too adventurous for his own good. Even though he doesn’t listen very well, he still is a pretty big hero.
3) Kendra Sorenson is from the Fablehaven series:. It is easy for her to follow the rules, so she gets the job of watching her brother and making sure he doesn’t get into trouble. In the end she ends up saving everyone because she is so good at listening!
2) Alex Bailey is from the Land of Stories series: She loves reading. She is very powerful and she always wants to use her powers for good. She will do anything to help others around her.
1) Conner Bailey is from the Land of Stories series: He will do anything to protect his family and the rest of the world. He loves adventures and knows how to defeat evil! He believes in magic and he uses it for the good of others just like his sister does.
Thank you, Brooke, for sharing the characters you would like to meet!
Readers: Who would you like to meet?

Seth from Fablehaven is easily my favorite