Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2014


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesdayย is an original feature/weekly meme created atย The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

ย Todayโ€™s Topic: Top Ten Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2014

Forget the weight-loss. We are going bookish on you!


1. 114 Books

Every year, I increase my goal by one book. I always match the year. Because it is 2014, I am aiming for 114. This might be impossible with a new baby, but I will be reading more picture books.

2. Children’s Book All-Star

I want to become a children’s book all-star. I want to get the nostalgia of old books and jump into the fun of new releases.

3. To learn to love more middle grade novels

Some of my favorite books are middle grade books. That said, I don’t tend to love novels directed to this age group. This year, I am going to aim to change that by reading more widely within the field.

4. To keep up with new YA releases

I will devote everything to my new baby, but I don’t want to neglect my love of YA books, so I want to try to keep up with the best new releases.

5. To read to my new baby every night

I haven’t had a baby (obviously), so I am not sure if this is a lofty goal. Are there going to be some nights where I can’t read to him because I am so tired from breastfeeding? I have no clue how my life is going to be this year, but this is my goal!


1. 275 books in 2014

In 2012 I read 397 books, which is crazy!, so for 2013 I set my goal for 300 thinking it’d be no problem… well, I have not been reading like I did in the past. I ended up lowering my goal to 225 because I knew that I was not reading like I used to. During 2014, I’d like to push myself more and try to get close to that 300 again—I’m going to aim for 275. This may be crazy with a new baby at home, but I guess we’ll find out!

2. Get more book reviews up on my teacher website

My teacher website is being used more than ever now that we are an iPad school, but I haven’t updated the book reviews on there all year. I hope to get more up there.

3. Get into classes more often to book talk

This year I took a job as a reading coach and found myself all caught up in logistics, observations, and intervention. I want to go back to the basics and get into classes more often to book talk and to do book passes.

4. Get back into the reading groove

Like my #1 says, I really want to try to get back into the reading groove of reading every night. Right now, there are nights where I do not touch a book. I know it has been a combination of my new job and the pregnancy making me super tired, so I hope I can overcome it in 2014 (I know, I know… a new baby will make it very hard, but it doesn’t hurt to try.)

5. Read to my new baby every night

One thing that will definitely help is reading to baby Boy Moye every night. I want him to be a reader and I cannot wait to share with him all of my favorite picture books and I cannot wait to find out what his favorites are.

What are your bookish goals?


11 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2014”

  1. Ricki and Kellee – I have too many Sandra Boynton books memorized, plus I sang most of them with my son… love that most of her little board books connect to her music books w/cd… I also read him Kitten’s First Full Moon once he could sit up… Such fun times! ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck with one a day. Sometimes I felt silly but after a while it was a beautiful, peaceful time… ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy goal fulfillments through this year! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Debbie, your comment makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I love the idea of reading books so often that I memorize them. I am sure your son loved to cuddle and read with you. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy New Year to you!!!

  2. I hope both of you achieve your goals, I know you can do it! Sharing some of your childhood favorites with your new baby would be amazing. We’ve been talking about kids as well lately and I cannot wait for those moments.

  3. I second Debbie’s mention of having Sandra Boynton books memorized! I sing the Snuggle Puppy song a lot ๐Ÿ™‚


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