Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Reasons We Love Being Moms to Readers
1. I feel compelled to keep up with the latest picture books.
2. We get extra family time, reading books together each night.
3. And then my son reads books by nightlight after we read as a family. The way he sneaks extra books reminds me of my own childhood.
4. I spend several days a week in the library, and it is a peaceful, wonderful place to be.
5. I have a partner to share my joy when we open packages that have books in them. His “Ooos” and “Ahhs” rivel mine.
6. (I am cheating with one more than my allowed five): I have a stronger sense of the power of rereading. My son can read the same book thirty times in one day (and this can extend over several months). It amazes me.
I hope through raising my son around books and around a mom who loves books, he’ll become a voracious reader. He already loves books which makes me so happy!
1. Listening to my son “read” books to me. Trent is reaching the stage where he is learning what is said for each page in his favorite books, and it has gone further than just knowing a few words per book , liked Pete the Cat, and towards him knowing the entire book of board book s like Llama Llama Zippity Zoom and longer books like Go Dog Go.
2. I love our time at night where Jim and I read to Trent. It is one of my favorite parts of the day.
3. Watching Trent learn through books is such an amazing experience. This is very similar to #1, but I love having him look at pictures and ask questions and learn. He is such an inquirer.
4. In the future, I cannot wait to listen to audiobooks of novels I love with Trent and especially cannot wait for Harry Potter.
5. In the future, I cannot wait to have a partner in library and book store visits. Right now, he does enjoy going, but it’ll be even more wonderful when he will wander the shelves with me and look at books and we can discuss and laugh and talk. My husband is a different type of reader than me, so I hope that Trent becomes a book lover like I am.
If you are a parent or caregiver, what is your favorite part about having a reader in your home?
Wonderful lists. As I’ve told you many times, I really cherish and miss those days of reading together with our sons. You are right – that extra together-time sharing books is just so special – the books we read together is woven into our identity as a family.
On the plus side, now we share books back and forth with our older son! The 18-yo still insists he hates to read, but I still get to talk to him about whatever he has to read for English class 🙂
Just wanted to remind you that it is summer again….and time for another Big Book Summer Challenge! I hope you enjoyed it last year and will consider joining the fun again!
2016 Big Book Summer Challenge
Awww, this is the SWEETEST POST OF EVER! 😀 I am not a mother, but I do have a 5yo and 3yo nephew/niece who are avid readers and I take them to the library once a week and we all adore it. SO MANY BOOKS. And it’s a fabulous chance to have an excuse to read kids books. xD Omg, they’re so good. I miss out on the pictures. ;D Also I totally agree that the power of re-reading is strong with small ones! It’s really admirable!
Here’s my TTT!