Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.
Today’s Topic: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2016
The first half of 2016 is rocking!
1. Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys (2/2/16)
Okay, I’ve already read it. But I can’t wait for others to read it, so we can talk about it!
2. Underwater by Marisa Reichardt (1/12/16)
The cover just sucks me in! I’ve heard this book is excellent.
3. The Key to Extraordinary by Natalie Lloyd (2/23/16)
Gosh, I love Natalie Lloyd. I am extremely excited to read this book and am jealous of some of my friends who have read it already!
4. Rescued by Eliot Schrefer (4/26/16)
Readers of this blog know that Kellee and I love Eliot Schrefer. I am pumped to read his next book. I wouldn’t miss it!
5. Finding Marvin Gardens by A.S. King (2017)
I am cheating. But A.S. King’s first middle grade novel? Uh, YES!
1. Booked by Kwame Alexander (4/5/16)
Crossover was brilliant and students loved it, so I cannot wait for the newest. Also, there are such few soccer books (and my kids are always asking), so I am even more excited for that reason!
2. Amulet Vol. 7: Firelight by Kazu Kibuishi (2/23/16)
I love this series (and so do my students)! If you haven’t read them, go pick them up now!
3. Raymie Nightingale by Kate DiCamillo (4/12/16)
Kate DiCamillo is brilliant.
4. The Key to Extraordinary by Natalie Lloyd (2/23/16)
I cannot wait to see what Natalie Lloyd writes after Snicker of Magic. She is such a beautiful writer!
5. Rescued by Eliot Schrefer (4/26/16)
Yay yay yay yay! Can you hear my fangirling excitement? I love Schrefer’s Endangered and Threatened (and I love Eliot too!), and I cannot wait for this one.
Extras. (Sorry Ricki!)
Dear Dragon by Josh Funk (?/?/16)
I am sure this is going to be hilarious if his debut picture book has anything to say about Josh’s humor.
The Tiara on the Terrace by Kristen Kittscher (1/5/16)
I already read and loved this one, but I wanted to make sure to remind you about it!
What books are you looking forward to in 2016?
I’m so excited about all of these, but especially Rescued! Thanks for the lists!
I’m most excited about The Key to Extraordinary, loved Snicker of Magic! my TTT link
I am looking forward to Rescued, too. And, as you both know, I am SO EXCITED about Salt to the Sea & already pre-ordered copies for my teen cousin & I 🙂
I just went through the Scholastic catalog last night & passed on The Key to Extraordinary because my list was getting too long (and I still have a full shelf of kid/teen/YA TBRs sitting here), but you BOTH included it on your list – hmmm….maybe on audio! I have an easier time fitting those in.
Great lists – thanks for the inspiration!
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