Top Ten Tuesday: Fictional Families We’d Invite to Thanksgiving


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Fictional Families We’d Invite to Thanksgiving

The door is always open, folks!


1. The Nguyens from Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan

This family is kind and giving. I fell in love with them.

2. The Finches from To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (but not from Go Set a Watchman)

I’d love for Atticus to share some of his wise words with the table. I am keeping my image of him sacred, so we will stick with the first book.

3. The Sweetwines from I’ll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson

I want to give the twins a big ol’ hug.

4. The Donabedians from Like Water on Stone by Dana Walrath

Yet another set of children that I want to hug!

5. The Nisbetts from The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine

I liked how the parents in this book tried hard to teach Marlee about the world while still working to be fair. Even when Marlee is punished, she recognizes that her punishment is fair. I didn’t like the mother as much in the beginning, but she dynamically changes as the book progresses, and the family felt very real to me.


1. The Nguyens from Counting by 7s by Holly Goldberg Sloan

I know, I know, but I had to include Willow! I love what this family became by the end of the book, and I would definitely love to spend time with them.

2. The Weasleys from Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

Well, first, I love redheads, but second, I love all of the Weasleys! Dinner at their house would be so much fun (though pre-book 7 would be more fun that post…)

3. The Murphys from One for the Murphys by Lynda Mulally Hunt

The way the Murphys embrace Carley shows me what an amazing family they are.

4. The Kanes from The Kane Chronicles by Rick Riordan

I wuld love to be surrounded by all the mythology and adventure, even for one day! (Though they can keep the danger.) I also would love to hang out with Bast.

5. Rafe’s family from Openly Straight by Ben Konigsberg

His parents seem like the most caring, opening, fun, and sweet parents, and I would love to spend a day with them and Rafe.

Which fictional families would you invite to your dinner table?

RickiSig and Signature

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