Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books We Recently Added To Our To-Be-Read Lists


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Ten Books We Recently Added To Our To-Be-Read Lists

So many books. So little time!


1. Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen

saint anything

I was thrilled to receive an advanced copy of this e-book, and I will be reading it very soon! I love Sarah Dessen!

2. The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine

the lions of little rock

“Two girls separated by race form an unbreakable bond during the tumultuous integration of Little Rock schools in 1958.” I only needed to read this first line to know that I regretted missing this one in 2012. I plan to see if my library has a copy because I don’t think I received it.

3. Under a Painted Sky by Stacey Lee

under a painted sky

I have been told this is a great book for fans of Code Name Verity. I just need to get my hands on a copy! It is set in Missouri, 1849. How awesome does that time period seem? I can’t wait to read it.

4. Migrant: The Journey of a Mexican Worker by Jose Manuel Mateo 


A few people have discussed this book recently. It received a starred review, and I never got a chance to read it. It tells the story of a Mexican boy who journeys to the U.S.

5. Picture this: The Near-Sighted Monkey Book by Lynda Barry

picture this

This graphic memoir how-to seems like good fun. Thank you to the blogger who posted about it. I am a fool and can’t remember who it was, but I added it to my TBR list!


I do not add books to my Goodreads to-be-read list very often anymore because it was getting so overwhelming! However, here are five books I added to my list recently.

Marty McGuire Has Too Many Pets! by Kate Messner


I love Marty McGuire. She is who I hope my son is friends with. I need to read the newest, so I can see what she has been up to.

Silver by Chris Wooding


I have a vicarious reader in my class who usually just tells me that a book is “good” or “okay” or “not for me,” but she said Silver is probably the best book she’s ever read. I really want to read it to see what grabbed her so.

Gracefully Grayson by Ami Polonsky


I not only want/need to read Gracefully Grayson, I need to get it into my classroom library. The concept of being transgender is not often mentioned where middle schoolers would hear, but with Glee‘s Coach Beiste and Unique and Bruce Jenner, I have students asking me Why? How? etc. I would love to have a book to give them to help them understand.

Moonpenny Island by Tricia Springstubb


After reading Tricia’s guest posts on our blog and Nerdy Book Club, I knew I needed to read Moonpenny Island because I love how she wrote. I also have Tricia’s Cody and the Fountain of Happiness to read.

The Astonishing Secret of Awesome Man by Michael Chabon

awesome man

Michael Chabon has a picture book?!?! I had no idea until a month or so ago. I need to read it!

Which books have you added to your TBR recently? 

RickiSig and Signature

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