Top Ten Tuesday: Things We Are Thankful For


top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke and the Bookish. The feature was created because The Broke and Bookish are particularly fond of lists (as are we!). Each week a new Top Ten list topic is given and bloggers can participate.

 Today’s Topic: Things We Are Thankful For

The bookish version!


1. Little scraps of paper that make convenient bookmarks.

2. Authors who tweet back to my students.

3. The ALAN Workshop for the wonderful connections with amazing educators and publishers.

4. Historical Fiction because I hate learning about history through facts, but this genre makes the learning fun!

5. Libraries. This is new to me. I used to buy all of my books. With a baby on the way, I have discovered how wonderful libraries are (and how wonderful inter-library loan can be)!

6. Audiobooks…for making my drives to school much more bearable.

7. Books that make me sob. I always love a good cry.

8. GoodReads, for tracking my books automatically.

9. GoodReads (again), for showing me which of my friends have read a book so I can call them to chat about it when I finish.

10. Bookshelves, because without you, my house would make me look even more like a book hoarder.


1. Twitter for helping fuel my love of books, introducing me to amazing people, and helping me keep up with the best books out there.

2. Jim for putting up with my addiction.

3. Goodreads for the same reasons why Ricki stated above.

4. Young adult books for helping me find the love of reading after my literature degree.

5. My friends’ blogs for sharing with me the best books that I should read.

6. My students for making why I read even more meaningful.

7. NCTE convention and ALAN workshop helps me hang out with fellow book lovers, amazing educators, and authors.

8. Authors, in general, for making these things I love.

9. IMWAYR (It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?) meme–I love being part of the community and learning about everything everyone is reading.

10. Bookshelves for having dual purposes: making my house look smart and for storing my books.

What are you thankful for?

RickiSig andSignature

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