It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 9/13/21


It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?
Sharing Picture Books, Early Readers, Middle Grade Books, and Young Adult Books for All Ages!

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? is a weekly blog hop co-hosted by Unleashing Readers and Teach Mentor Texts which focuses on sharing books marketed for children and young adults. It offers opportunities to share and recommend books with each other.

The original IMWAYR, with an adult literature focus, was started by Sheila at Book Journeys and is now hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date.

We encourage you to write your own post sharing what you’re reading, link up below, leave a comment, and support other IMWAYR bloggers by visiting and commenting on at least three of the other linked blogs.

Happy reading!


Tuesday: Review and Giveaway!: Once Upon a Camel by Kathi Appelt

Thursday: It Fell From the Sky by The Fan Brothers

Saturday: Sofia’s Kids’ Corner: Katie the Catsitter by Colleen AF Venable & Stephanie Yue

Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Tech Timeout, a Playwriting Lesson” by Joy Jones, Author of Jayla Jumps In

**Click on any picture/link to view the post**



This week the Moye house was hit with a bug that knocked all three of us on our butts (luckily not COVID!), so there was a lot more lazying around and sleeping than reading, but I did get to read 3 new-to-me books!

  • Hurricane by John Rocco focuses more on the community of people needed to restore an area after a hurricane than it focuses on the hurricane itself. As a Floridian, I both loved and disliked this decision. I loved it because it is true. After hurricanes it really takes so many people to get a community up and running and everyone must work together and help each other. Selflessly. However, on the other hand, I felt like the power of a direct hit of a hurricane was downplayed a bit. But it is definitely a book I’d recommend, for the story and obviously for the art.
  • Lala’s Words by Gracey Zhang is about how kind words plant a seed that can sprout and turn into something incredible. The message is something that I love very much. I did question the motive of the mom at points, you’ll understand if/when you read, and I would love to learn more about Lala’s mom and the quick shift she made.
  • While waiting in line for our COVID test, Trent and I listened to I Survived the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, 1941 which is the first time we’ve talked about Pearl Harbor together before. He knows some about World War II because I’ve mentioned the hate the drove it, but we had not really delved into details of the war. Once again, Lauren Tarshis does a wonderful job sharing the history along with an interesting story, and we both enjoyed reading it.

To learn more about any of these books, check out my 2021 Goodreads Challenge page  or my read bookshelf on Goodreads.


I’ve been reading two theory books all week. Admittedly, it’s slowwww. But I am learning a lot and thinking about how I might apply the theory to my teaching!

My almost 5yo and I just finished reading Jop and Blip Wanna Know by Jim Benton. He read the left-hand page on each spread, and I read the right-hand page on each spread. It was really cute, and the author snuck in all sorts of facts that were intriguing!

Hurricane by John Rocco tells the story of a boy who is caught in a hurricane. The next day, the dock is ruined, and he is very focused on wanting it to get fixed. He quickly realizes there are other priorities in his neighborhood first. I liked this book a lot, and I particularly loved the inside covers, which gave more information about hurricanes and docks.



Not much has changed 🙂


Reading: Rule of Wolves by Leigh Bardugo & How to Win a Slime War by Mae Respicio

Listening: The Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi

Trent reading during family reading time: HiLo Vol 5: Then Everything Went Wrong by Judd Winick

Jim reading during family reading time: Fables Vol 7: Arabian Nights (And Days) by Bill Willingham


The boys and I are reading Trickster: Native American Tales: A Graphic Collection. I read this many years ago, and I am happy to be reading it again with my kids. If you haven’t checked this graphic collection, I can’t recommend it highly enough. It’s so dang good.


Tuesday: How to Win a Slime War by Mae Respicio

Thursday: Spooky Sleuth & Solve by Victor Escandell

Sunday: Author Guest Post: “Point-of-View Flip as a Way into Creative Writing” by Shirley Reva Vernick, Author of Ripped Away


Link up below and go check out what everyone else is reading. Please support other bloggers by viewing and commenting on at least 3 other blogs. If you tweet about your Monday post, tag the tweet with #IMWAYR!

 Signature andRickiSig

3 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? #IMWAYR 9/13/21”

  1. Sorry about your family’s illness, Kellee, but so happy it isn’t the virus! Since both of you shared Hurricane, guess I’d better look for it! Thanks, and wishing both of you a good week!

  2. I’m sorry to hear about the bug, Kellee. Sounds like you and Sue were in similar boats. Ugh!

    My husband recently made his own list of historical fiction books that he wants us to own and have on our shelves for our five kiddos. I’m glad for the “I Survived…” books we already have, but I cannot remember if we have the Pearl Harbor one. However, in light of last week’s memorial events, we had a family discussion about the two main wars international attacks that took place on American Soil – Pearl Harbor and 9/11. It would be helpful to follow that discussion with some good historical fiction.

    I’m looking forward to reading Hurricane, hopefully later this fall. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Kellee, I’m so sorry you all came down with a bug and had to get COVID tests! I’m so glad it wasn’t actually COVID. I love that you all crammed a book in while waiting for the COVID test, and Hurricane and Lala’s Words sound like great read as well!

    Ricki, it’s so cool that you’re getting some professional reading done. And it’s neat that you enjoyed Hurricane as well!

    Thank you both so much for the great post and link round-up!


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